Gizmo a Bengal Tabby mix, showing off his colours.

Picture of Gizmo, a Bengal Tabby mix

This picture of Gizmo, a Bengal Tabby mix shows off his rosettes and stripes, some of his Bengal characteristics.

Some of his behavior also coincides with what I read about Bengal cats.

For example he has a love of water and for long games of fetch.

Gizmo is a Bengal mix, his mother is a Bengal and father a Grey Tabby.

It’s not the best picture I’ve ever taken, everything is a little, or a lot out of focus.

So why choose it?

I like Gizmo’s pose and the way it shows off his coat, I guess sometimes you have to sacrifice quality for substance?

See also:

Video: Is Gizmo a Bengal mix or a Tabby

How to tell if your cat is a Bengal mix

Wrestlemania! Cats Play fighting?

cats play fighting

This is Gizmo and Claudius having their daily tussle in the garden.

Sometimes I think their antics gets out of hand but I try not to intervene. Thankfully they always seem to finish up on friendly terms.

Claudius is an elderly gent who likes the outdoors.
Meanwhile Gizmo is still a Kitten at about ten months. He hasn’t yet ventured beyond the back garden.

I used the burst feature on my camera to obtain this action shot of which I am quite proud. I thought the caption was apt?

I’m not sure whether or not captioning pictures is a good idea?

I come across so many captioned Cat pictures on the internet I felt it was the thing to do?

Here’s a good article on “play fighting”

Video of Claudius and Gizmo playing in the Garden Gizmo and the ever Patient Claudius

Just a nice Picture of Claude

Cats always seem to strike the perfect pose, they cast them without any effort.

Here is a nice picture of Claudius.

The sun shining through his fur.

A beautiful blue sky also helps to brighten the image.

The blurred spring branches in the background add some welcome contrast.

None of which was planned, this was shot using the point the camera, shoot and hope for the best photography method.